Andy Zee Flips the Script on the Online Haters Attacking Bob Avakian & the Revcoms
Welcome to The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show. This is episode number 111 on July 21, 2022. My name is Andy Zee. I’m the host of the show, and I’m coming to you from Los Angeles, California.
You are watching the show of the “brainwashed”... the dupes of the Cult of Bob Avakian... Be very careful: you might learn that there’s a way out from the madness of the system we live under, a way to make an actual revolution to overthrow the system that is destroying the environment, that is robbing women of their humanity, whose police murder, incarcerate, oppress, demonize, and degrade in thousand ways: Black people, immigrants, and Native people whose land was stolen in genocide.
Pay attention and be aware.
On this program you will see, hear and experience Bob Avakian, BA, the revolutionary leader who liberals and a demoralized, defeated, pathetic left are scared shitless to have you experience and engage.
Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people have heard the blowhard rants online, the oinkers on social media, the scare headlines on sordid websites from so-called democratic socialists who are neither, liberals and outright fascists...
All these are: Bullshit and lies from those who despise revolution… who feed at the trough of an NGO-satiated empire… fools, wannabe and actual police who want to pacify you as they satisfy themselves with weak ass shit while humanity is being led off a cliff.
All this and more, we take to task in today’s RNL Show: so-called “progressives” opposed to truly liberating progress. Liberals for whom law and order trumps risking something to fight against injustice and oppression, who now find themselves in unity with fascists in their attack on the radically different leader who has developed a whole new framework for human emancipation, Bob Avakian.
Bob Avakian, whose life has been dedicated to the emancipation of humanity. Who, for over 50 years since he came of age in the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley in the 1960s, then working with Black Panther Party in their revolutionary days, and who, when others of that generation gave up on revolution, BA went to work, hard work, to understand how indeed revolution could be made in a country like this, how that revolution could stay on the revolutionary road and be a society that people would want to live in and would thrive as we collectively could go work to transform the whole world.
Bob Avakian has worked on and developed an approach to questions and problems of involving the masses of people who today are profoundly divided in overcoming all these divisions in the course of a great struggle to overcome all forms of exploitation and oppression everywhere. He has worked on problems and pathways to an emancipatory society that other political theorists and leaders haven’t even begun to think about. The work BA has done is not the stuff of pipe dreams but grounded in reality and a scientific approach to radically transforming that reality.
Bob Avakian is completely different than the endless stream of bourgeois politicians who are put forward as “leaders,” whose goal is to maintain one variation or another of this system of capitalism-imperialism that is founded on and perpetuates itself through cruel and literally life-stealing exploitation, murderous oppression, and massive destruction, in all parts of the world. BA is a revolutionary who bases himself on the scientific understanding that this system must finally be overthrown through an organized struggle involving millions of people, and replaced with a system that is oriented to and capable of meeting the most fundamental needs of humanity and enabling humanity to become fit caretakers of the earth. (from Bob Avakian—A Radically Different Leader—A Whole New Framework for Human Emancipation)
So BE CLEAR. When websites and blowhards warn those of you who have stood up with Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights against the brutal life-stealing assault on women’s right to abortion to control their own lives, to get you to calm down, to give up, and to work within the system of their bourgeois elections where you get to choose between defenders of the very system that oppresses billions of people here and around the world. Be clear that when they shout “CULT!” this is what they are trying to get you to do. And the liberating vision and plan for revolution to free all of humanity that Bob Avakian has forged and the movement he leads—the revcoms—is what they want to keep from you.
The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show. That’s who we are. That’s what we bring. The leadership, the strategy, and the goal for the emancipation of all humanity. If you have the conviction, the heart, the courage—especially the courage of your convictions—this show is for you.
We are going into battle. A political fight for this show and this leader. Over the next five weeks we are recruiting you—the audience for The RNL Show—to go to work, week after week in a campaign to build the viewership of this, The RNL Show, to bring to people far and wide the liberating truth that there IS A WAY out of the madness. That revolution is the solution. It is the hope of the hopeless. It’s real and it’s needed. And that Bob Avakian is a leader, is a person that you, and millions more like you, need to know about and get into. To get this campaign into high gear, on Monday night, July 25, at 8 pm Eastern Time, 7 pm Central, and 5 pm here on the West Coast along with my co-host Sunsara Taylor, we are going to host a nationwide Zoom to answer and flip the script on the attacks on Bob Avakian; the revcoms, and Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights. We are going to get into why and how challenging and transforming how people think is a key part of making revolution.
The most ridiculous lie of all is that Bob Avakian is a “cult leader” who advocates blind faith... he is the most rigorous scientific person who has developed a way for people of all levels of education to be able to understand and change the world. Later in today’s program, we are going to show an excerpt from a speech he gave in 2012 from which we take the name of this program, Revolution—Nothing Less!, a segment on how the science of revolution is like the Rosetta Stone, an archeological find that unlocked much about ancient Egypt.
A scientific approach to revolution—the actual reason, the basis for revolution lies in the workings of the system we live under and the reality that it cannot do away with exploitation and oppression, it cannot be reformed, and the reality that many people yearn for a world without oppression. Bob Avakian goes at this in many different ways from high theory to biting exposure of the system’s crimes, to creative and funny ways. Here I want to play the first three verses of a spoken word piece he wrote, with music by the great jazz bassist William Parker:
All Played Out
We must broadly unite
To carry out the fight
To resist the crimes
Of this system
But on the real revolution
Is the only solution
So we need to call out
Things whose time has run out
Which keep people in chains Suffering unbearable pain
These things are:
Capitalist vultures—
Big-time and world-wide exploiters—
About "personal responsibility,"
About “predators” and criminality
Terrorizing the youth
In the inner cities
While you loot
Everywhere you see
Slaughter pеople and rain destruction
Through crimes untold—
All to еnforce your rule
And amass your gold
On the backs of billions
Chaining them in slavery
New and old
Your time in history—
It's gone—it's:
This puffed-up
About “the land of the free
And the home of the brave”—
A country that built itself on bodies
Of slaves
And ruthless, genocidal robbery
That spreads its empire
Through plunder
Driving countless people
With its bloody
Red-white-and-blue rag
All this pompous
About “the leader of the free world”—
Vicious politicians and mindless mobs
Screaming and threatening
Hounding people
Driven from their homelands—
Growling and howling: “speak English!...
Go home!”
These fools aren't saying anything
In any tongue—
It's the same old song
They've always sung:
“Fade deeper in the shadows
Suffer in silence
While you slave
To create wealth
We crave—
It's our way
Backed up by violence.”
This garbage is:
The haters who have attacked BA, the revcoms, and Rise Up have in their vicious attack opened up some real potential by putting these names before hundreds of thousands, if not millions, if we seize it, to build the audience for this show, to compel and inspire people to look into Bob Avakian, to attract people to get with and join the Revolution Clubs.
I say this recognizing that the haters who attack us have done real harm. There has been a trajectory of these attacks beginning with some pathetic little “pro-choice” groups who refused to join the struggle to stop the Supreme Court from overturning abortion rights, who launched the first attack on Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights with the blatant lie that it was a “front” for syphoning money to the revcoms led by Bob Avakian. These lies were then repeated by the sensationalist website the Daily Beast, then repeated and amplified by the respectable progressive website The Intercept, then picked up by the fascist Daily Caller founded by Tucker Carlson, then mutating to the website Law Enforcement Today ... this is the way counterrevolution works... what we have called on this show, a “woke neo-McCarthyist counterrevolution.” McCarthy being a fascistic U.S. senator in the 1950s who along with Richard Nixon went on a national witch hunt to crush resistance and the potential for rebellion and support for revolutionary struggles around the world by tarring people with a “red scare” that did tremendous damage to lives and to the people’s struggles.
Today’s RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show is going to work on flipping that script. By spreading the voice of Bob Avakian, by demolishing the bullshit of the cancel culture that, truth be told, is canceling the future for humanity.
In today’s show, as I said, you are going to hear Bob Avakian speak on the importance of knowing what is the actual reality we face, what is true, and the science of communism to understand that complexity of reality in his piece on the Rosetta Stone.
We are going to hear our correspondent Rafael Kadaris take on and take down that democratic socialist blowhard Hasan Piker.
Also today, Sunsara Taylor is going to expose The Intercept’s hit piece, followed by a member of our RNL team delivering the responses of people calling out The Intercept. Last, Noche Diaz, national spokesperson for the Revolution Clubs, will speak about the “Galaxies at the Edge of Time”—the incredible view back in time of the formation of the universe as seen through the Webb Telescope.
But first, I want to go back to “All Played Out” by Bob Avakian and play the last four verses, which capture the frivolous yet destructive cancel culture, a desiccated left that mimics the ruling class, and much of the essence of the bullshit that characterizes the attacks against BA, the revcoms, Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights and all who took and are still determined to fight for the right to abortion:
Tabloid addiction
And gossip slinging—
Treating as prominent
What is really trivial
Making what really matters
Seem invisible
Acting like mobs
In Roman arena
Sneering and “snarking”
With a vicious demeanor
Building yourself up
By tearing other people down:
Putting up with all this
Even though you know it's wrong—
Being passive—
Thinking how they want you thinking
Acting just to get along
Singing that old song
That though the crimes are terrible
And massive
“Nothing can be done about this
Nothing can change—
Because of ‘human nature’
Things are bound to be this way
Revolution—that was tried
And it failed
Communism—voice dissent
And they'll haul you off to jail;
With communism
They take away your freedom.”
We say that's just wrong—
Plus there's a new synthesis—
There are speeches
Books with deep analysis
But you don't read them
Won't hear them
Or go near them—
You remain in paralysis Like that you're:
A so-called “left” that, to tell the truth
Finds it frightening
And distasteful
To change the world—
At its root—
A "left" that is content
With posing
Devoid of rage
Or joy
Its passion spent deceiving mimic
Miming what it claims to be opposing
Rejects the path of revolution
Insists there can be only one “solution”
That is viable
And desirable—
Within the confines of this system
Change conforming
To the dictates of this brutal order
Talks forever of “democracy”—
Cover for dictatorship
Of bourgeoisie
Politics of “identity”
That really comes back down to
If it speaks of “socialism,”
It is tired out
Dried up dogma—
No reality—
Lacking fire, ferment, and conviction
Impoverished imagination
Lowered vision
The change it talks about
Is paltry fiction
Can't lead anyone
To be emancipated
A “left” like that is:
This whole damn system
Root and source
Of all this madness:
Rupture, advance
Beyond all that
No doubt—
Putting an end
To this insanity—
Working for revolution
To emancipate all humanity:
That’s what we got to be all about
All the rest that poses
And opposes
What cries out to be done-It needs to be over
And gone
(“All Played Out,” by Bob Avakian. Music by William Parker. Ft. Yoni Kretzmer. Ft. Zhenya Strigalev. Ft. Ben Syverson. Ft. Brian Forbes)